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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is included with the courses?
    A customizable account based on the email address to include school district logo, specific instructions, and local reporting processes Easy sign in access for staff via email address (no need to create a separate account!) Pre- and post-tests to ensure knowledge proficiency prior to advancing in course Closed captioning and 508 ADA compliance to provide for maximum accessibility Interactive scenarios that afford the learning opportunities to put their knowledge into practice when understanding and acting upon various scenarios Engaging and informative video presentations that blend visual and lecture elements Supplemental materials including a participant guide, checklists, and relevant articles Course evaluation questions to ensure a continuous improvement process Opportunities to meet directly with our instructors over telephone or Zoom A certificate of completion for participants who pass the final post-test with an 80% or better score Finalized report and zoom call reviewing completion rates and user metrics based on staff lists
  • Who should take these courses?
    The Introduction to Threat Assessment course is designed for all those who work with or at K-12 schools (e.g., bus drivers, food service employees, teachers, coaches, administrators, guidance/adjustment counselors, parents, and school resource officers). The course provides training in the basics of threat assessment, including the different types of threats, what to watch for and what to report. Our advanced course, Putting Threat Assessment into Practice, is designed for those who will be taking on more direct roles in assessing threats on the school’s threat assessment or student of concern team. This course uses a variety of case examples, many from real-world completed and thwarted attacks, to provide participants a clear model for threat assessment and management.
  • Once I am registered, how do I access the courses?"
    The courses are listed in the top menu or can be accessed using the blue buttons on the top left of the home page. Once you are on the course page, you will be asked to enter your email to access the course. Be sure to use the email provided to us by your school district or whomever purchased the course for you.
  • How long will it take to complete the courses?
    Introduction to Threat Assessment will take approximately two hours to complete. Putting Threat Assessment into Practice will take approximately six hours. Both courses come with a wealth of supplemental materials, checklists and articles that are designed to help the participants take their learning beyond the course instruction.
  • Are the courses accessible and aligned with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices?"
    The courses and website have been designed with accessibility in mind, including providing closed captioning for all the videos and compliance with the Americans with Disability ACT 508 requirements. We aim to be inclusive in our language and use broad examples that are inclusive of differences in race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identify, economic status, age, religion, geography, political affiliation, and physical and mental disability. Moreover, our instructional design process prioritizes diversity in material delivery to include a wide range of teaching modalities with a focus on interactive and practical application of examples. While we strive to get this right in our design, we acknowledge we are far from perfect and committed to fixing problems when they are brought to our attention. If you do have any issue with accessibility, please email so that we can set it right.
  • Can I get a copy of the slides?
    There is a participant guide for each course on the Supplemental Materials page and, based on some user feedback (thank you!), they are now also located in the first module of each course. This, along with some other resources, are available as soon as you are registered for the course. The slides are included in the guide. If you have a specific question about slide animation or liked something you saw and were interested in replicating this idea in the classroom or your teaching, please contact and we would be happy to talk with you more and share some examples.
  • Can I watch the videos again later?
    Once you complete the course, the videos will be available for you to watch on the Supplemental Materials page. These are typically available for a year after the course is first launched. If your access becomes restricted, please contact and let us work with you to help you get what you need. Preventing violence is our first goal and we strive to be responsive and flexible to requests.
  • How long do I have access to the course materials?
    You will have access for one year from your date of registration. If you would like to extend that access, please contact Don’t be shy, we are only an email away.
  • How do I purchase the courses from my school or district?
    Please contact for pricing information. We avoid listing set pricing for schools to ensure we don’t price anyone out of the market to receive quality violence prevention programming. We are committed to the mission of violence prevention and appreciate that everyone has a different budget. It is more important for us to get materials into your hands then to have a set cost.
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